POPPI update 14.3 - November 2024

  • Platform update - POPPI & PANSI to be merged into a single domain.

Previous updates

POPPI update 14.2 - 28 Jan 2022

  • System software update

POPPI update 14.1 - 17 November 2020

  • System software update

POPPI update 14.0 - 4 November 2020

  • Updated population projections
  • Updates to council areas

POPPI update 13.0 - 1 May 2020

Updated source data for the following pages:

  • Cardiovascular disease (replaces Heart attack and Stroke)
  • Obesity

POPPI and PANSI update 12.0 - 13 November 2019

  • System software upgrade

POPPI and PANSI update 11.0 April 2019

  • Updated population projections

Updated hearing prevalence Updated source data for the following pages:

  • Living alone
  • Domestic tasks
  • Self-care
  • Dementia
  • Falls – hospital admissions
  • Falls - updated information in the Notes

Update September 10.1 2017

  • Updated hearing prevalence 

POPPI Update 10.0 7th July 2017

  • Updated population projections using data released by ONS May 2016
  • Projections extended to 2035

POPPI Update 9.0 28th July 2014

  • Updated population projections using data released by ONS 29 May 2014
  • Projections extended to 2030
  • Updated ethnicity data
  • Tenure - new data
  • Living in a care home - new data
  • Limitiing long term illness - new data
  • Provision of unpaid care - new data

POPPI update 8.0 25 February 2013

  • Revised ONS population projections for years 2012-2020
  • Removal of State pension page
  • Removal of Religion by age/gender page
  • Removal of State pension/pension credit page
  • Removal of Household growth page
  • Removal of Tenure page
  • Removal of No central heating page
  • Removal of Transport page
  • Removal of Provision of unpaid care page
  • Removal of Down’s syndrome/dementia page
  • Removal of Multiple characteristics pages
  • Removal of Services provided pages
  • Removal of Compare data function

POPPI update 7.0 released 15 June 2012:

  • Revised ONS population projections
  • Standard years to show 2012, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030
  • Next five years to show 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016
  • Updated Services provided data
  • State pension - revised page - to include Pension credit

POPPI update 6.0 released 28 October 2011:

  • Standard years show 2011, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030
  • Next five years show 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
  • Updated ethnicity data
  • Updated household growth data
  • Services provided pages updated with 2009/10 data

POPPI update 5.1 released 2nd December 2010:

  • Move between locations using a map
  • Isles of Scilly and City of London data added
  • Addition of 90+ age group on Population and Dementia pages
  • Revised State pension data

POPPI Direct payments for 65+ age group: correction to calculation of numbers - 13 October 2010

POPPI Continence: amendments to headings used in Notes table - 30 September 2010

POPPI Update 5.0 released 9 July 2010:

  • Population data updated
  • Compare data between different geographical locations - for selected datasets
  • Download multiple geographical locations on any page
  • Performance pages updated with 2008-2009 data

POPPI Update 4.0 released 16 April 2010:

  • Select authorities by comparators, by geographical neighbour, and by region
  • Use 'My favourites' to select regions, councils and districts
  • Revised design for all pages
  • View all ages for: Stroke, Diabetes, Visual impairment, Hearing impairement, LD - baseline estimates, LD - Moderate or severe

POPPI Update 3.0 released 14 November 2009:

  • Government Office Region data available
  • Standard years now show 2009, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030
  • Next five years now show 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013
  • Next five years facility available on all pages where figures are projected
  • Percentage change from 2009 through to 2030 available for: Population by age, Population by gender/age, LD - moderate or severe
  • Set own favourite locality
  • New page: Household growth
  • New page: Diabetes
  • New page: Hearing impairment
  • New page: Ethnicity/illness - proportions
  • New prevalence added to: Living alone, Depression, Severe depression, Heart attack, Stroke, Bronchitis and emphysema
  • Prevalence revised for: Domestic tasks, Self care, Falls - A&E attendance, Continence, Mobility, Obesity

POPPI 2.5 released Friday 31 July 2009:

  • Data included for the 4 new unitary authorities which replace Bedfordshire and Cheshire
  • New standard format for health pages showing data by gender and by all persons where data is available
  • Revised Ethnicity data
  • Revised State pension data
  • Performance pages updated with 2007-2008 data
  • New user questionnaire facility

POPPI 2.4.1 released on Wednesday 4 February 2009 - single login to use POPPI and PANSI enabled

POPPI 2.4 released on Friday 19 December 2008:

  • Visual impairment new prevalence rate
  • Learning disability pages - age ranges revised to start at 65
  • Screen heading redesign

POPPI v2.3 released on Monday 6 October, coinciding with the launch of PANSI, the new Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information System, covering ages 18-64:

  • Shared registration and login system between PANSI and POPPI
  • Links between the two systems on pages of similar content

POPPI v2.21 released on Friday 26 September 2008:

  • Revised ethnicity data

POPPI v2.2 released on 4 August 2008:

  • The population information in POPPI has been updated with the 2006-based long term subnational population projections published by National Statistics Online on 12 June 2008.

  • Registration - Additional information is captured. Terms and conditions of use to be presented at registration.
  • User activity data - User specific data is captured to inform future development of the system.

POPPI v2.1 released on 14 March 2008:

  • New page - Limiting long term illness/Living alone
  • New section - Learning disability. Includes Baseline estimates for LD, Moderate and severe LD, Down's and Down's predicted to have dementia
  • Performance pages updated with 2006-2007 data
  • Minor additions to wording on Registration page

POPPI v2.0 released on 31 January 2008:

  • Baseline population data available for years 2007 - 2011
  • Revised ethnicity data
  • New page - Transport
  • New page - Religion
  • New page - Proportion receiving state pension only
  • Revised dementia data
  • Additional useful links

POPPI v1.1 released on 31 October 2007:

The population information in POPPI has been updated with the revised 2004-based long term subnational population projections published by National Statistics Online on 27 September 2007.

IPC News

This system is provided by the Institute of Public Care (IPC) at Oxford Brookes University with supporting funding from Partners in Care and Health

The system provides population data by age band, gender, ethnic group, and tenure, for English local authorities and regions. Calculations are applied to population figures to estimate projected numbers of older people by; those living alone, living in care homes, provision of unpaid care, their ability to carry out domestic tasks and self care.

Prevalence rates from research have been used to estimate the impact of; limiting long term illness, depression, severe depression, dementia, heart attack, stroke, bronchitis\emphysema, falls, continence, visual impairment, hearing impairment, mobility, obesity, diabetes and learning disability including Down's syndrome and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).

To understand how IPC handles your data, see our Privacy notice 

Picture of elderly person with carer

This view-only system is developed by the Institute of Public Care (IPC). It is for use by local authority planners and commissioners of social care provision in England, together with providers. It is a programme designed to help explore the possible impact that demography and certain conditions may have on populations aged 65 and over.

For information on adults aged 18-64, go to www.pansi.org.uk